Pillow Palooza - July Project Fat Quarter Friends with Lori Holt

Stitchy friends are the BEST! What better way to add beautiful fabric to your life than with a Fat Quarter Friends monthly subscription!
Fat Quarter Friends with Lori Holt is a monthly subscription for fabrics by designer Lori Holt. Each month you will receive 10 fat quarters of Lori's fabric at a discounted price! A great way to add some happy fabric to your life!
Join our monthly offering HERE.
As a perk for supporting our Fat Quarter Friends offering, I am sharing a project each month that can be made using your fat quarter bundle. Each month our Fat Quarter Friends project will be posted right here on my blog. Be sure to come back each month to see what we are making and join in the fun!
This month are continuing the Summer of Pillow Palooza! I am continuing to brighten my Garden Room with happy pillows!
Are you ready for July's project?! Drumroll please...
I love it! As you can see it is not made into a pillow quite yet, but as soon as it is I will update this post with pictures. You will also notice that this pillow used some of the fabrics from the fat quarter bundle for this month, but not all of them. Plus, I pulled some fabrics from last month's bundle to use again and I also pulled some from my stash.
For some reason I saw plums and greens for this one, then I wanted to carry forward the aqua and denim colors. Look at how nicely all of Lori's fabrics play together! I can't wait to share a picture of both pillows next to each other!
For this one I followed the same instructions and information that I gave you last month. Here is a reminder...
This 12" block is called the Christmas Star and you can find it on page 22 of the Vintage Christmas book by Lori Holt. Click HERE to get your Vintage Christmas book. I added sashing to my block according to the instructions on page 182 including cornerstones.
At this point I am putting the final puzzle pieces together.
Everything is lined up and ready to sew!
Ta da! The center is complete! Now time for inner border, then cornerstones and sashing!
And....the top is complete!
My pillow top finished at 18 1/2 x 18 1/2.
I am now sending it off to be quilted. Once it returns to me I will finish it into a pillow just like I did last month. More pictures to come once it is complete!
I wonder...are you making any pillows with me? Leave me a comment below and let me know.
Happy stitching! 🤗
Wow! That is so striking and beautiful Angela. I wish I was making them with you, but I am piecing my sections together on Calico garden & doing the last bits of hand applique. Trying to keep up with the Vintage sampler & starting to prepare for Autumn love!