Autumn Love Sew Along -Harvest Star Blocks

Welcome to the Autumn Love Throwback Sew Along with Happy Little Stitch Shop!
Each year we try to host a Lori Holt throwback sew along and I KNEW Autumn Love had to be on the list. The tricky part was that the Autumn Love fabric collection has been discontinued - building a kit had to start from scratch. After MUCH encouragement from my Happy Little Stitcher community, we did it! We made the kit with substitute fabrics, we have all the information from Lori and we are ready to dive in!
To refresh your memory, this is the Autumn Love quilt that we are making...

The very first thing to do is go back and read Lori's Bee Prepared post. You can find it HERE.
You will also need the Autumn Love Sew Along Guide which Lori links in her post, but just in case you missed it you can find it HERE.
I also have an updated schedule for you. Remember, everyone should sew at their own pace and ENOY making this lovely quilt, but if you are a schedule you go...this is the schedule we will be following.

As you can likely tell from the time of this post, I am a bit behind schedule due to life and I hear from many of you that you are in the same boat. Please remember do not fret - this quilting path is our outlet, our enjoyment and FUN! Don't lose sight of that! Work at your own pace and enjoy the process!
That being said, I am working toward catching up and being back on track. I don't want to miss out on all the Lori goodness coming our way! One block at a time and I will get there!
You can find all the fabric substitution information in my first blog post HERE.
Let's roll on in to Week 4!!
Harvest Star and Piecing Blocks
First things is a little teaser from Lori's blog post for Week Four...

It is SO IMPORTANT for you to go read Lori's blog post. She gives lots of key information in putting these blocks together. You can find her Pieced Blocks blog post HERE.
And are some photos of my blocks using the Autumn Love kit curated by Happy Little Stitch Shop (me). 😁

All of those Harvest Star pieces are cut and ready to assemble! Remember I am making two Autumn Love quilts - one from the original quilt kit using the Autumn Love collection and the other from our HLSS curated kit using a mixture of Lori collections. So, I will be making eight Harvest Star blocks - four for each quilt. That's LOTS of squares!

Here are the first couple of blocks...the one on the left is the original and the one on the right is from our HLSS kit.

Two more cute Harvest Stars!

I am really pleased with how these are turning out!

I am LOVING this quilt!!

I know that I am not a perfect sewist and I am okay with that...just look at these blocks! They look beautiful in spite of my errors! And...I know if I keep plugging along that I will improve. Don't let imperfection stand in the way of enjoying your quilt-making process!

There we are! Eight Harvest Star blocks complete!
The first one felt a bit daunting, I'm not gonna lie...but then the process went quite smoothly. Throw some chain piecing in there and these blocks came together relatively quickly!
I will add a few of the individual small star blocks each week to try to keep up with those and I will work on the Autumn Block little by little as well.
Next up is the Scarecrow block and I can't wait to make that little cutie!
Leave me a comment below and let me know how your Autumn Love quilt is coming along.
Happy stitching, my friends! 🤗
Just working on the bucket block. A little behind but loving this quilt!
Need to do one more harvest star. Have some of the 4 inch stars done and the autumn sign. Ready to start the milk can block. Loving this quilt!
Thanks, Angela! I haven’t started yet but I love watching your progress. ❤️